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Investor or Speculator – Part II

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If you think about the last time we had widespread social strife and turmoil in the United States in tandem with expensive financial markets, your recollection will probably take you back to the sixties. Between anti-war protests, the civil rights movement, entitlement reform, and a re-tooling of criminal justice policies and laws, there was plenty of fodder for calm, dispassionate chats with friends and family. It’s probably no coincidence that this swell of activity came toward the end of a post-World War II economic expansion that brought economic comfort to many and stock markets to rather lofty heights. What followed,…

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A Bendy Road

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The experience one expects to have in financial markets comes down largely to whether he or she believes market forces are more natural or artificial in nature. By natural, I’m referring to more free-flowing, random, and at times chaotic, whereas artificial represents controlled, planned, and efficient. An investor couldn’t be blamed for thinking the latter given the tremendous efforts monetary authorities and governments generally have made in recent years to steer favorable market outcomes. This effort to control markets, to create a straighter path, has led many to believe that positive investment results are assured and risks of meaningful losses…

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What Lies Ahead in 2023

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This year was a year where effective defense made the difference. To come out of it with positive returns, as nice as that would be, simply wasn’t in the cards without a healthy dose of risk and even more luck. To lose much less than others, or more importantly, what popular asset classes lost, was a huge victory. The question now of course is where does this leave us as we head into 2023? To answer this question, it might be most helpful to think about it within the context of time. In weather, it’s pretty well established that forecasting…

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Change Happens

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Change is a funny thing. It’s one of the only constants in life; something we can depend on. Whether we’re talking about the four seasons, aging, health, or quality of life, we can depend on change to shuffle things up on us before we have a chance to get too comfortable. The optimist would say “discomfort and stress lead to growth”, while the cynic might prefer to resist change or deny that it lies ahead. As humans, most of us are the latter. Recency bias has us believing the present can continue on at least until tomorrow, and when taken…

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Don Those Earmuffs!

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“Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing once all other possibilities have been exhausted.” – Quote often ascribed to Winston Churchill If there’s one thing most can feel good about these days, it’s the fact that the process of trying “all other possibilities” to keep corporations and the economy afloat is in full swing, which in turn probably means we’re that much closer to getting to a viable long-term solution that benefits most. As touched on in last month’s letter, the “right thing” will likely only come after all these other easier, less painful possibilities have been…

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What’s Changed Since December?

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Simply put, stocks have continued to rise in February while growth data has continued to weaken – fairly decisively. If all one cares about is investing in what’s currently going up, then this rally in stocks seems like a no-brainer. The only problem is that the preponderance of evidence suggests that this rally is the textbook bear market variety, which means it will likely change course just as quickly as it began. If one’s looking to generate fast losses, there’s really no better way. Our position on portfolio composition for the time being hasn’t changed. We will change it when…

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Thoughts from the Investment Team – This is Where Mistakes Are Made

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John Pierpont Morgan was known to have said, “Nothing so undermines your financial judgement as the sight of your neighbor getting rich.” Understanding the bigger picture can help us avoid unrealistic performance extrapolation (both up and down) and stay focused on those things that truly offer the most opportunity for lasting gain. There’s no more important time than now to look forward rather than backward. This year has been particularly dangerous, not because markets have imploded, but because the way they are moving exposes our psychological vulnerabilities as investors. After a strong 2017, U.S. stocks ran up very aggressively in…

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What’s Up With Gold?

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The last few weeks have been very unkind to gold investors with the rather choppy upward trend since the beginning of 2016 being called into question with a seemingly day after day drop in price. From a technical standpoint, gold has definitely broken through a couple more recent support levels and is beginning to threaten longer term support. The reason for this drop has been attributed to everything from the stronger dollar to rising rates. There are also those who feel there may be some manipulation at work in the futures markets in an effort to keep gold prices depressed….

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Ask Cadence: Where are the safe places to invest if I’m nervous about the stock market?

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As a reminder, there are no completely safe places to invest, as nearly all investments have the potential to lose value at times, but there are almost always some investments that are relatively safer than others. The first step in the process is to identify those places that are most expensive and therefore present the most risk of loss over longer holding periods. Currently those are the world’s stock markets, particularly the US stock market. The next step is to identify those places that offer more value from a risk/reward standpoint and that have a better chance of holding their…

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