Monthly Newsletters

Our monthly newsletter, “Cadence Clips,” keeps you up to date with relevant financial market news and other information to help you build your financial planning and investment management knowledge.

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Cadence Clips – July 2024: The Continued Futility of Election Cycle Investing
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Cadence Clips – June 2024: Market Update – “Investing” is Winning
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Cadence Clips – May 2024: The Treasury Bond Conundrum
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Cadence Clips – April 2024: Investor or Speculator – Part II
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Cadence Clips – March 2024: Investor or Speculator – Which Are You?
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Cadence Clips – February 2024: Investing Confidently
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Cadence Clips – January 2024: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead
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Cadence Clips – December 2023: Winning on the Downside
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Cadence Clips – November 2023: The “Risk-Free” Domino
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Cadence Clips – October 2023: Smart People Thinking the Same Way
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Cadence Clips – September 2023: Sea Change
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Cadence Clips – August 2023: Markets, Jobs, and AI, Oh My!
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Cadence Clips – July 2023: Market Update – Still a Bear Market!
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Cadence Clips – June 2023: Exiting Financial Repression
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Cadence Clips – May 2023: Little Victories
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Cadence Clips – April 2023: How Are Your Cash and Securities Protected When Banks Fail?
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Cadence Clips – March 2023: A Bendy Road
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Cadence Clips – February 2023: Lost In Speculation
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Cadence Clips – January 2023: 2022 Asset Class Returns: Year In Review
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Cadence Clips – December 2022: Taking Stock
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Cadence Clips – November 2022: My Portfolio Has Lost Value – Now What?
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Cadence Clips – October 2022: Beachball or Brick?
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Cadence Clips – September 2022: It’s Time You Updated Your Financial Plan
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Cadence Clips – August 2022: Financial Update and Common Sense
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Cadence Clips – July 2022: More Trouble Ahead?
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Cadence Clips – June 2022: Deflationary Inflation
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Cadence Clips – May 2022: Ask Cadence: Your Latest Questions Answered
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Cadence Clips – April 2022: Redefining “Planning”
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Cadence Clips – March 2022: This Is Why We Think and Don’t Follow
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Cadence Clips – February 2022: The Monkey, the Volcano, and the Dangers of Rationalizing Risk
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Cadence Clips – January 2022: 2021 Asset Class Returns – Year In Review
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Cadence Clips – December 2021: Pick Your Poison
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Cadence Clips – November 2021: The Danger of Owning the “Market”
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Cadence Clips – October 2021: Buying The Dip
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Cadence Clips – September 2021: Charting a Path Through Uncertain Times
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Cadence Clips – August 2021: How Should I Know If My Diversified Portfolio Returns Are Good Enough?
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Cadence Clips – July 2021: Change Happens
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Cadence Clips – June 2021: Homer Simpson…Financial Role Model?
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Cadence Clips – May 2021: How Serious is This Inflation Thing?
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Cadence Clips – April 2021: A Very Divergent and Noisy First Quarter
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Cadence Clips – March 2021: Narratives Aside
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Cadence Clips – February 2021: Ask Cadence: Your Latest Questions Answered
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Cadence Clips – January 2021: An Incredible Year In Review
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Cadence Clips – December 2020: What Happens When the Fish Outgrow the Tank?
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Cadence Clips – November 2020: Taking Control
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Cadence Clips – October 2020: The Mathematics of Negative Returns
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Cadence Clips – September 2020: How To Play With Fire
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Cadence Clips – August 2020: Don Those Earmuffs!
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Cadence Clips – July 2020: Don’t Let the Possible Overshadow the Probable
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Cadence Clips – June 2020: Facts Versus Narrative
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Cadence Clips – May 2020: The Cost of Panic Revisited
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Cadence Clips – April 2020: Well, That Escalated Quickly
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Cadence Clips- March 2020: The Coronavirus Wake-up Call
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Cadence Clips – February 2020: Stay Focused – Nobody Cares More Than You
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Cadence Clips – January 2020: Peak Ridiculousness
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Cadence Clips – December 2019: Financial Planning in Turbulent Times
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Cadence Clips – November 2019: Zombie Bull Disease
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Cadence Clips – October 2019: Ask Cadence: Your Latest Questions Answered
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Cadence Clips – September 2019: Cycles Matter
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Cadence Clips – August 2019: Altering the Diversification Plan
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Cadence Clips – July 2019: Changing the Rules
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Cadence Clips – June 2019: It Pays to Know What’s Under the Target-Date Hood
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Cadence Clips – May 2019: Retirement Uncertainties: Why Financial Planning is Necessary
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Cadence Clips – April 2019: Either You Believe in Magic or You Believe in Math
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Cadence Clips – March 2019: There Will Be A Downside To This Investment Cycle
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Cadence Clips – February 2019: Stock Market Risk Doesn’t Always Pay Off
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Cadence Clips – January 2019: Thoughts on Markets Past, Present and Future
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Cadence Clips – December 2018: Losses Get No Respect
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Cadence Clips – November 2018: Ask Cadence: Your Latest Questions Answered
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Cadence Clips – October 2018: Warnings Can Take Time To Play Out
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Cadence Clips – September 2018: Am I Missing Out This Year?
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Cadence Clips – August 2018: It Pays To Understand The Indexes
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Cadence Clips – July 2018: The Economic Truth
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Cadence Clips – June 2018: Price Will Matter – Eventually
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Cadence Clips – May 2018: Is There a Bear at the Door?
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Cadence Clips – April 2018: Client FAQs – Your Latest Questions Answered
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Cadence Clips – March 2018 Investment Team Update: Was January 26 the Bull Market Peak?
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Cadence Clips – March 2018: Bonds and Interest Rates Matter
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Cadence Clips – February 2018: The Epic Disconnect
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Cadence Clips – January 2018: Goals Are Bigger Than Short-Term Investment Returns
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Cadence Clips – December 2017: The Hindenburg Omen
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Cadence Clips – November 2017: Volatility and Retirement
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Cadence Clips – October 2017: Eight Ways to Get Estate Inheritances Right
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Cadence Clips – September 2017: What The Future Holds For Stocks – It’s All About Price
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Cadence Clips – August 2017: The Monkey and the Volcano: A Cadence Fable
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Cadence Clips – July 2017: Could Multiple Decades of Zero Growth Happen To You?
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Cadence Clips – June 2017: The Painful Trip Back – Lessons from 2000
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Cadence Clips – May 2017: The Importance of Minimizing Losses
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Cadence Clips – April 2017: What Does “Getting More Aggressive” Mean, Anyway?
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Cadence Clips – March 2017: Is It Too Late To Jump In?
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Cadence Clips – February 2017: The Financial News Media Is Not Your Friend
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Cadence Clips – January 2017: 2017 – The Year Of Opportunity
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Cadence Clips – December 2016: What Just Happened?
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Cadence Clips – November 2016: It’s Not What You Pay, It’s What You Keep
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Cadence Clips – October 2016: Markets, Economy and Planning Q & A
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Cadence Clips – September 2016: The Futility of Election Cycle Investing
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Cadence Clips – August 2016: The Kitchen Sink & Don’t Invest Like The Pros
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Cadence Clips – July 2016: How Has Brexit Impacted Your Portfolio?
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Cadence Clips – June 2016: Tips From A College Admissions Insider
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Cadence Clips – May 2016: Keeping Perspective
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Cadence Clips – April 2016: What a Monkey Can Teach Us About Buying Sweaters and Paying For College
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Cadence Clips – March 2016: The Road Less Traveled
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Cadence Clips – February 2016: Should I Take My Social Security Benefits Early, Or Wait?
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Cadence Clips – January 2016: Gains Elusive in 2015
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Cadence Clips – December 2015: The Great Disconnect
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Cadence Clips – November 2015: The Point of No Return…Again
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Cadence Clips – October 2015: The Complacency Before the Panic
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Cadence Clips – September 2015: Anatomy of a Meltdown
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Cadence Clips – August 2015: Sprinting Isn’t Always Winning
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Cadence Clips – July 2015: The Devilish Details of Estate Planning
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Cadence Clips – June 2015: Stocks Over Bonds? Think Twice.
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Cadence Clips – May 2015: Using Hindsight to Look Forward
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Cadence Clips – April 2015: Stocks Versus Bonds
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Cadence Clips – March 2015: Live Longer Than You Think, Not Longer Than You Can Afford
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Cadence Clips – February 2015: The Folly of Forecasting
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Cadence Clips – January 2015: 2015 – The Year Ahead
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Cadence Clips – December 2014: Don’t Make These 401(k) Mistakes!
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Cadence Clips – November 2014: The Impossible Choice
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Cadence Clips – October 2014: Don’t Mistake Low Volatility for Low Risk
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Cadence Clips – September 2014: Is There a Future for Alternatives?
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Cadence Clips – August 2014: Not Your Average Bull
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Cadence Clips – July 2014: Think and Grow Dumb: How Our Prehistoric Brains Sabotage Our Investing
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Cadence Clips – June 2014: Markets Are Calm – What’s to Fear?
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Cadence Clips – May 2014: An Overview of Health Insurance and Medical Expense Planning in Retirement
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Cadence Clips – April 2014: A Strong Economy May Not Equal Strong Stock Performance
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Cadence Clips – March 2014: Retirement Planning – More Than Just Numbers
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Cadence Clips – February 2014: Look Before You Leap
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Cadence Clips – January 2014: Is 2014 the Year to Take More Risk?
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Cadence Clips – December 2013: Using Alternatives to Make 1 + 1 > 2
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Cadence Clips – November 2013: The Lesser of the Evils
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Cadence Clips – October 2013: Opportunity Cost
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Cadence Clips – September 2013: The Cost of Panic
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Cadence Clips – August 2013: But I Want It! – The Market’s Addiction to Easy Money
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Cadence Clips – July 2013: How to Go Broke Earning 12% – A Cautionary Tale
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Cadence Clips – June 2013: Here We Go Again
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Cadence Clips – May 2013: Q&A with the Cadence Investment Team
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Cadence Clips – April 2013: Why is Felix’s House Cleaner Than Oscar’s?
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Cadence Clips – March 2013: Ballooning Government Debt – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
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Cadence Clips – February 2013: Looking Beyond Return
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Cadence Clips – January 2013: Planning Beyond the Mayan Calendar
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Cadence Clips – December 2012: Market Outlook – Part 2
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Cadence Clips – November 2012: Market Outlook – Part 1
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Cadence Clips – October 2012: Tax Changes Decoded
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Cadence Clips – September 2012: Markets can be resilient
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Cadence Clips – August 2012: Bumps in the Road – Are they necessary?
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Cadence Clips – July 2012: Winning by Not Losing