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Ask Cadence: How will current and future geopolitical issues affect the markets?

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It’s rational to assume that negative developments like social unrest, violence, and wars would roil the markets, but that’s not necessarily how things have played out historically. To the degree that investors feel confidence in markets rising, and the profitability of certain sectors of the market, financial assets can weather more societal turbulence than we’d think. The real issue for markets, especially from already lofty valuations at the end of a lengthy expansionary cycle, are those two factors just mentioned – confidence and corporate profitability. It’s really not until those two things are disturbed enough that markets go down and…

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Ask Cadence: Are you optimistic for 2021?

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Yes. 2021 has the potential to be a very interesting year for a host of reasons. First, the risks and uncertainties: Covid-19 – We just don’t know how quickly the majority of people will get vaccinated and subsequently get back to a more normal existence. In addition, there are unknowns in terms of new variants and the effect they will have on the number of infections and severity of illness. Most are assuming that some semblance of normalcy will return for the second part of this year, but we just don’t know how the course of events will play out…

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Don’t Let the Possible Overshadow the Probable

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We have written many times how when it comes to planning and investing, human brains are the biggest hindrances to the owners of those brains. The possibility of large investment gains is so seductive, especially with financial news programs showcasing stocks that have absolutely taken off and investors who have made obscene amounts of money from large moves. Even our friends and acquaintances at times seem eager to share the bets they’ve made that paid off. It’s easy to think of the possibility of large gains if enough money were put in the right place. However, the financial news programs…

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Strong Jobs Report! All Good, Right?

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The most recent monthly jobs report came out last Friday and was solid on most counts. The pundits were very excited about it and used it as an example of how strong the economy is and where it’s likely headed. Heck, even the President tweeted that he was excited to see it (an hour before it was released.) So was the strong report actually a good thing? Of course. More people at work earning a living is always a good thing. There’s no debating that. The question is, what does that mean for the stock market and economy going forward?…

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