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Government Bonds

Market Update – “Investing” is Winning

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If you’ve ever wondered why financial media doesn’t talk more about things other than stocks and bonds, it’s generally because it doesn’t serve the business model that allows them to survive, which is another way of saying, there isn’t as much money in it. If risk-adjusted opportunity was most important, or those things that could benefit the viewer most, we’d be hearing a lot more about gold, silver, and other natural resource investments, especially given their performance so far this year. The chart below tells a pretty interesting story – the major stock market indexes are up about 11% (SPY…

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Don Those Earmuffs!

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“Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing once all other possibilities have been exhausted.” – Quote often ascribed to Winston Churchill If there’s one thing most can feel good about these days, it’s the fact that the process of trying “all other possibilities” to keep corporations and the economy afloat is in full swing, which in turn probably means we’re that much closer to getting to a viable long-term solution that benefits most. As touched on in last month’s letter, the “right thing” will likely only come after all these other easier, less painful possibilities have been…

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