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Diversified Portfolio

Incentives, Conflicts, and Capture

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One of the reasons we formed Cadence back in 2010 was to rid ourselves of the embedded conflicts of interest that are inherent in large, profit-seeking public firms. I’m not suggesting that profit-seeking is bad, after all, it makes our economy go, jobs available, and is a genuinely positive aspect of the American way of life. But what we see every day working in financial markets is that there are immense pressures put on public companies by shareholders and Wall Street to increase profits quarter after quarter to fuel rising stock prices. Stock options within public companies, in many cases…

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How Should I Know If My Diversified Portfolio Returns Are Good Enough?

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It’s not easy for a diversified investor to know what their investments should be returning over most time frames. Just because the S&P 500 is up 15% this year, should you be too?  The S&P 500 plus dividends was up 40% over the past twelve months, but since you have a diversified portfolio, what is a normal return for you over the same period?  For any short-term period, like a year, how do we know if we’re still on track, or if our returns show something has gone wrong? Given the amount of media coverage large cap US stocks receive…

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