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Ask Cadence

Ask Cadence: Should I wait to invest given all the uncertainty in the world today?

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Although the rationale for this is sound, waiting to invest can be tricky because it’s always difficult knowing when the time is right to start putting money to work. Usually the best time to get invested is when the world feels scariest. The economy is struggling, the stock market is down significantly, and it’s possible that the stability of your income and financial well-being is also in question making the decision to invest money that you feel you can’t afford to lose a tough one. For this reason, we feel it’s important to always stay invested in a strategy that…

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Ask Cadence: Is it possible the rules of the markets have changed and that they can go up for longer than in the past?

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Anything’s possible, but it’s extremely unlikely that the rules of the game have changed. At the end of the day, asset prices only go as high as people are willing to pay for them. The definition of a bubble is when prices reach levels that don’t seem to make sense, yet people keep buying simply because they feel prices will continue to rise. Rationale for why values are going up gets thinner and thinner. At some point, investors realize that what they’re considering for purchase has an underlying value that’s much less than what the price reflects. Whether this is…

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